Feeling ambitious and very long-haired, I decided it would be a good idea to borrow clippers from Walker and give myself a mohawk. Of course, with the assistance of my personal hairstylist. I have, for many months now, wanted a lightening bolt mohawk. I have even upon occasion spoken to professional hairstylists at Bishops about this desire. And with one exception they have all politely told me that it just can't really be done, that it won't look right. There was one time when a very nice woman did her best and outlined the interesting zig-zag on the back of my head with the edge of the electric razor, a job, that upon relfection, was done with extreme talent.
Anyhow, I remained undeterred. So we lopped off my hair, which is really fun, and did a mostly good job. You can't really tell what the hell is going on in the back, but it's short and hopefully won't grow into an atrocious mullet. I'm thinking I might make the top thinner so I don't look like a rectangle-head. If you are already bored from reading this, I don't blame you and I half-heartedly apoligize for my personal hair obessions.
Here is the flappy, zig-zag back:

Here is the bald spot mess up where I tried to do stripes. Might try that again: